Thursday, 20 December 2012

Kaca Spion

(Catatan Andy Noya)

Sejak bekerja saya tidak pernah lagi berkunjung ke Perpustakaan Soemantri Brodjonegoro di Jalan Rasuna Said, Jakarta . Tapi, suatu hari ada kerinduan dan dorongan yang luar biasa untuk ke sana . Bukan untuk baca buku, melainkan makan gado-gado di luar pagar perpustakaan. 

Gado-gado yang dulu selalu membuat saya ngiler. Namun baru dua tiga suap, saya merasa gado-gado yang masuk ke mulut jauh dari bayangan masa lalu. Bumbu kacang yang dulu ingin saya jilat sampai piringnya mengkilap, kini rasanya amburadul. Padahal ini gado-gado yang saya makan dulu. Kain penutup hitamnya sama. Penjualnya juga masih sama. Tapi mengapa rasanya jauh berbeda?

Friday, 14 December 2012

Ketika Turun Gunung, Ia Hilang di Kaki Langit

Tidak ada kerangka tahun pasti, yang menyebutkan sejak kapan manusia mulai memandang sesuatu yang lebih tinggi daripada tengkorak kepalanya sendiri. Manusia memang secara kodrati , tercipta sebagai makhluk yang punya kecenderungan iblis untuk memandang makhluk lainnya sebagai sesuatu yang lebih rendah dari dirinya ( ketika manusia tak lagi menyelenggarakan pelaksanaan prinsip kemanusiaannya, ia memang merupakan iblis yang berdaging, bertulang, dan berdarah.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

PT.Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

"Sejalan dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan masyarakat, bangsa dan Negara Republik Indonesia, selama 66 tahun usia BNI sejak didirikan pertama kali pada tanggal 5 Juli 1946, BNI terus tumbuh dan berkembang bersama Negeri, mengawal pembangunan di berbagai sektor industri, sesuai dengan tagline BNI Melayani Negeri, Kebanggaan Bangsa".

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Ambil TKJ, RPL atau Multimedia ya?? :bingung

Ilustrasi : Binggung

Pertanyaan seperti ini sering banget di tanyain sama adek-adek kelas yang baru lulus nih (gayanya tua bgt ya gw.. :D).. entah dari SMP mau ke SMK, atau dari SMA mau ke Kuliah...jadi gini ceritanya :D

Friday, 6 July 2012

Creative Solutions Using 'What If?'

For the most creative solutions you need to get your mind looking in new directions. One of the most systematic ways to do this, is with a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create "what if?" scenarios. The process starts with the question, "what if it was..." and then you insert a word from the list. "It" in the question is the problem you're working on, or the current solution or situation.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Do You Need Relief From Stress?

Amazingly, there are still a number of people who are unaware that they're already stressed out and need relief from it as soon as possible. Or rather, there are some who refuse to acknowledge that they badly need relief from stress.

Forget Conventional Dream Interpretation: Learn to Cultivate Your Dreams Today!

One of my favourite quotes of all time and I am sure many of you share my thoughts, is the speech by Martin Luther King at the civil rights march in Washington, 1963, which went like this:

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood..."

"I have a dream..." Indeed. Inspiring stuff. I want to discuss our dreams in a very practical way today.

I want to talk about how to cultivate your dreaming. It really is a tremendously valuable thing to do. I want to steer away from conventional dream interpretation and will explain why.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Dreams Are They Good Or Bad?

Dreams that you have at night are bad if they are "Nightmares", but the dreams you have that make you feel great and inspired – those are "Goodmares". So have you been have "Nightmares" or "Goodmares"? If you are feeling oppressed or depressed you are probably have the first one, but if you have good things going on you are probably have the second.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Gerbang Neraka : Membara untuk selamanya

Turkmenistan biasa dikenal dengan atraksi offbeat nya , tapi yang satu ini paling tidak biasa adalah sebuah lubang di tanah yang dikenal sebagai "The Gates of Hell". Sebuah lubang dengan kedalaman 230 kaki, diisi dengan kobaran api yang telah menerangi daerah tersebut selama 40 tahun.

Menumbuhkan Alga di dalam rumah kaca

Ada sesuatu dalam rumah kaca, laboratorium dan pameran seni, berbentuk kantong plastik berkilauan dan tabung yang menggantung dari langit-langit di Asosiasi Arsitektur di London mengundang rasa tenang kagum bahkan sebelum Anda mengetahui apa benda itu. Kantong-kantong penuh dengan ganggang, dan pengunjung diundang untuk meniup ke dalam tabung untuk membantunya tumbuh.

Kumpulan Status ku PART III

Ikhsan alhamdulillah.. hihihi... (Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:15:41 GMT)
Ikhsan biarkan bulan di atas sana.. manalah mungkin turun kesini... (Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:02:43 GMT)
Ikhsan mentingin amat promosi.. untuk awal mah yg penting konten... (Mon, 05 Mar 2012 10:39:06 GMT)
Ikhsan harapan skarang cuma 1... smoga maag ini nga naik lv jd kronis.. :( (Tue, 06 Mar 2012 00:22:39 GMT)
Ikhsan namanya doang ISD.. tugasnya.. kga nahan :muntah (Tue, 06 Mar 2012 14:10:08 GMT)
Ikhsan oleh tau nama panjang kamu? | Buat apa? | Buat aku selipkan di setiap sela-sela doaku, doa minta jodoh (≧◡≦) #gombalan pagi (Wed, 07 Mar 2012 02:17:53 GMT)

Monday, 14 May 2012

Work Life Balance And The Power of Positive Thinking

It's important to get a handle on mood swings or energy shifts if you want to maintain your work life balance and be successful in business. According to psychologist and researcher Martin Seligman, some folks appear to be hardwired to respond optimistically and hopefully to work life balance upset and life's ups and downs. Others are wired for opposite responses. Fortunately, you do not have to settle for the wiring you were born with. With practice you can improve your resilience and your hopefulness by acquiring solid positive thinking skills.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Looking for Happiness? Stop Looking in Your Neighbor's Yard

We've all heard the cliché 'The grass is always greener in our neighbor's yard'. What they don't tell you is that his grass still has to be mowed, watered, weeded, raked and fertilized.

Vampires: the Romantic Ideology behind Them

The French Revolution constituted for the conscience of the dominant aristocratic class a fall from innocence, and upturning of the natural chain of events that resounded all over Europe; the old regime became, in their imaginary, a paradise lost. This explains why some romantic poets born in the higher classes were keen on seeing themselves as faded aristocrats, expelled from their comfortable milieu by a reverse of fortune or a design of destiny. Byron and Shelley are the prime instances of this vital pose. In The Giaour he writes on a vampiric character: "The common crowd but see the gloom/ Of wayward deeds and fitting doom;/ The close observer can espy/A noble soul, and lineage high."

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Highly Sensitive People - Traits and Characteristics

One in every twenty people is considered to be a highly sensitive person (HSP). This means that either you yourself may be sensitive or someone you know is. 42% of the population is not highly sensitive, meaning that most things don't bother them the way they will an HSP. Everyone else falls somewhere in between, with the odd few being completely unemotional about anything. (By the way - 20% of the entire animal kingdom is highly-sensitive as well).

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Bottom Line

The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.

Hyperactivity vs ADD - What's The Difference?

A common misconception, when it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder, is that it is one in the same with hyperactivity. However, this is far from the truth. While people with ADD may exhibit signs of hyperactivity, it is not an inherent trait of the disorder and often does not occur with sufferers of ADD.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

5 Simple Steps to Controlling Your Anger

How many times have you lost control of yourself when you're angry? Did you do or said something which you regretted over time?

I guess we all did. It's normal, and afterall, we are just human beings.

Everyone of us faces problems with anger. The main difference between you and me is that, do you know how to gain control of your anger, instead of letting it control you.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pengenalan dan Instalasi dBase III+

untuk penjelasan dan sejarah Apa itu dBase?? bisa langsung liat di wikinya...
Wikipedia klik disini!

sekarang masuk ke tahap instalasi ya...
1. Donlot dlu softwarenya di : klik disini!
2. Setelah donlot.. filenya msih bntuk rar.. di ekstrak dlu di dalam folder baru
3. Tampilanya setelah ekstrak : 
 Direktori filenya :
4. bisa langsung di klik aplikasi DO dengan ekstensi file MS-DOS Application atau
 buka command prompt (cmd) lalu ketikkan contoh direktori sesuai di komputer masing2 : 

5. berhasil masuk!

*klo ada yg error atau kurang jelas bsa di komen aja biar sama2 tau ya gan.. TQ
jangan lupa tulis sumber..

Saturday, 17 March 2012

kontribusi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam melestarikan kebudayaan

Makalah Periode-1

Turn It from Adversarial to Educational

Argumentation is usually associated with debate. Using argumentation in public speaking does not require being adversarial. To use it effectively can enhance the experience for the listener.

The Top Ten Client Feedback Questions

As program chairperson of my SCORE * chapter I am always looking for new presenters to address the group. I frequently ask my fellow business counselors to give me some ideas for topics of interest to them.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Goal Setting Is All About Timing

Is there anything more maddening than working hard on a goal and running into constant obstacles that keep us from getting where we want to be? The past couple of weeks have been exactly like that for me. I have some big projects I'm working on, and every time I tried to progress to the next point, something would happen. My computer problems were the biggest part of it, but also other little obstacles kept me from getting from point A to point B.

Bring Your Presentations To Life and Get A Standing Ovation

Presentation techniques are the tools that help us to bring a page of written text to spoken life. They are the means by which we animate words, inject interest and build audience rapport. Learn the following 7 techniques and you'll have your audience clinging to every word you say.

Ilmu Budaya Dasar BAB IV

Ilmu Budaya Dasar 4

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Enlightenment is not just one state

Many people has the notion that enlightenment is one state. Many also believe that when it is attained, a person is forever in that state.

The following is not a definitive article on this subject. It is just an expression of my own thoughts.

My opinion is that enlightenment is not just one state but is a progressive and gradual establishing of states of consciousness.

How To Overcome Nervousness When You Speak In Public

Even if the speech you have is already prepared and you know everything about it, public speaking can be difficult. Many people are very nervous when they speak in public. Here are some tips for you to overcome your nervous feelings when you speak in front of many people.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Self Employed Is A State Of Mind

Being self employed is typically thought of as working in your own business, as opposed to working for someone else's business. However, you can start working for yourself today, even if you are working in someone else's business. It all a matter of perspective.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Attitude Is A Really Big Thing

Regardless of your age, your place in life, your occupation, or the ways you choose to spend time, I can guarentee that your attitude is one of the most significant things that determines your happiness and contentment in life.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Words To Live By?

Watching the news the other day, it occurred to me that people who have "words to live by" often begin to attack and even kill others. I thought back to my own angry youth, when I could easily use words to justify violent thoughts which might have become violent actions. Words are tools, and yet it seems that they can be more dangerous than gunpowder.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Love - Do Not Let Romantic Love Die

Love and relationship based on love has many stages. The phase of romantic love does not last long. It is the most pleasant phase of the relationship and unfortunately, it passes very soon. The joy is short lived. After this phase comes the phase of mature understanding that may lead to lot of bickering and split amongst many. Why allow that phase to come at all. Or why let romantic love die at all? Can we not continue that phase forever? Let us find out.

How to Improve Your Life Every Day

Growing Towards Excellence. Would you like to become a better person? If I did a survey asking people this question, I'm sure I would receive 100% response YES!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Understanding Your Dreams

The meaning of dreams has been of interest to mankind throughout history. Dreams come to us in a variety of forms that range from frightening to erotic. We experience images, sounds, sensations, and voices in our dreams that we are unable to influence or control. Do our dreams have special meanings? Are they brought on by incidents that have affected our lives today or possibly sometime in the past?

You Can Improve Your Relationship

It seems as if creating successful relationships with our significant others and parenting children are two of the most difficult jobs we face and yet we get no formal training in either. It's as if people believe that we are born with an inherent ability to do these two things. Yet, look around us. In the US, the divorce rate is slightly over 50%! I don't know anywhere but baseball where a 50% average is a good thing.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Ultimate Birthright

The key to happiness is both simple and complex. It is the sum total of more than 2,000 years of philosophy, psychology, speculation, and discussion about the meanings and sources of happiness. From Aristotle in 340 B.C. through to the modern thinkers, speakers, and writers of today, this key to happiness has hardly changed. It is the same for virtually all men and women in every country and all walks of life. The key to happiness is this: Dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do, and doing it better and better in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Why Setting Personal Goals Is Important

A lot of people like to learn how to be successful. They read books, listen to audio cassettes or even watch videos that tell them how to be successful in life. However most people fail to apply that knowledge, and as a result a lot of what they learn is ultimately wasted.

Hypnotic Brain Washing

In 1902 a remarkable book was written by James Allen (1864-1912). The work was called "as a man thinketh" and it he shows the reader that the life you are living now is a direct result of the thoughts you had in the past. He expertly illustrates how the thoughts you are thinking now are determining the life that you are going to live tomorrow. I am sure many of you will be aware that the title of Allen's little book is a direct quote from the biblical passage Proverbs 11:17 which states "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". The literal 21st century interpretation would be "whatever thoughts you believe to be true and hold dear to yourself are creating your world, life and personality!"

Friday, 24 February 2012

Would you rather fly or be invisible?

Recently one of my son's favorite TV stations conducted a survey of children. They asked kids which superpower they would rather have: the ability to fly or to be invisible?

Friday, 17 February 2012

If You Don't Know What You Want, Then How Are You Going to Get It?

Recently, I spoke with a client who wanted me to do a workshop at an upcoming conference. I offer a number of different talks, so I asked her what the focus of the meeting was in order to be able to suggest a relevant topic. She said that although the committee members had already picked several programs, they had not yet identified a focus for the conference. My first thought in response to this was, If you don't know what you want, then how are you going to get it? However, I am savvy enough not to insult people, so we spoke a little longer and we came up with a program that she wanted me to present.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Recognizing Your Success with Self Development

Life Coach Advice

As an expert in self development, I can tell you that there isn't a person I have met yet that isn't successful. In fact, there isn't a person who is not successful. Not only are you successful, but everyone you know and don't know are successful as well. You question this? That is natural. After all, you may not feel all that successful and at the very least, you don't consider most people you have known or seen successful.

Is What You Feel A Panic Attack?

Your heart pounds, your palms sweat, you start shaking, you get short of breath. You experience a fear that seems overwhelming that came absolutely out of nowhere, and for no reason. You could have been driving your car, or awakened out of sleep, or at your desk performing your daily routine at your job. Perhaps it's the first time it's happened, perhaps not. If it's not you probably know that you aren't going to die, but you feel like it. If it's the first time you are scared to death.

You Make Me Feel

Do other people make you feel things?

Do they make you feel happy or sad?

I'm curious. How do they make you feel this way?

Do they say, "Hey, here's a tin of sadness."

Or maybe they say, "Ahh, you need a bucket of happiness. Hold on, I've got one here you can have."

Can you find happiness or sadness on the supermarket shelves, pre-packaged and ready to go?

Hypnosis 6 Secret Tips to Stay Young Forever

We all live in an age that belongs to the young at heart. Life that is becoming extremely fast, day to day, also asks us to remain physically young. Young at heart, young in mind and young in your body has become the principle of survival.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Stress Relief Tips

With how busy we keep ourselves on a day to day basis, it's no wonder that so many of us suffer from stress. Stress is something that is almost impossible to avoid, because of the way that we are wired. With that said though stress can be easily dealt with in many ways.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

3 Ways to Advance Your Goals


Beginning with the end in mind is the endowment of imagination . If you are the programmer, write the program, says, goal expert- Stephen R. Covey. Goals help us to focus, and the quality of our attention is enhanced by a having a project so cool and interesting that we can't help but make a leap.

Overcoming Depression

Identifying Depression
Depression, like most mental illness runs the continuum of severity. It can be mild or major. It can last from weeks to months. It can involve anxiety symptoms as well. Depression is primarily characterized by sadness and/or loss of pleasure in nearly all activities. Additionally, there may be symptoms such as changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and psychomotor activity (changes in both mental and physical responsiveness and/or activity).

How To Breathe Through Your Next Panic Attack

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from panic attacks, you will know that there are a wide variety of symptoms. All of them are distressing and can have a negative impact on how you live your life, maybe even causing you to be constantly worried about when your next panic attack will arrive.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Change Your Mind Change Your Luck

When I was a young man, even a teenager for that matter, I always had an optimism that was hard for others to overcome. Even in the midst of the all the negative influences from family and peers, this positive optimism was difficult to beat down. I was powerful, I was lucky, life was magic. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Manifest the Life You Want

Have you ever known anyone that just always seems to get everything they want? They have that perfect job, perfect spouse, perfect house, etc. and they are always happy and very upbeat. You're probably saying, "Sure, I'd be happy and upbeat too if I had everything I wanted. Let's look at the other side of this coin for a moment. How many people do you know that it just seems like everything goes wrong for them? Her car was vandalized, her home was broken into, lost her cell phone, bounced a check, and broke a finger all in the same week. "Talk about a bad week" you're saying. I'd like to show you how both of these people are manifesting their reality.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Agama dan Masyarakat

Telah kita ketahui Indonesia memiliki banyak sekali budaya dan adat istiadat yang juga berhubungan dengan masyarakat dan agama. Dari berbagai budaya yang ada di Indonesia dapat dikaitkan hubungannya dengan agama dan masyarakat dalam melestraikan budaya.

Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Kemiskinan

Ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan kemiskinan memiliki kaitan struktur yang jelas. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi merupakan dua hal yang tak terpisahkan dalam peranannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan insani. Ilmu pengetahuan digunakan untuk mengetahui “apa” sedangkan teknologi mengetahui “bagaimana”.

Ilmu pengetahuan sebagai suatu badan pengetahuan sedangkan teknologi sebagai seni yang berhubungan dengan proses produksi, berkaitan dalam suatu sistem yang saling berinteraksi. Teknologi merupakan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan, sementara teknologi mengandung ilmu pengetahuan di dalamnya.

Feel Those Feelings and Develop Emotional Intelligence.

There is an old joke about a man who is walking home along the street in the early hours of a weekend and he sees another man, who is obviously very drunk, on his hands and knees, searching for something. "What are you looking for?" he asks the drunked man. "My house keys" the man replies. "Where did you drop them?" he asks. "Two streets away" he slurs. "Why aren't you looking there then", he asks, puzzled. "Because the light's much better here."

Having Faith In God's Word And His Healing Power


The Word of God cannot work without Faith. You cannot understand without Faith. Speak the word of Healing and you will be healed. Faith is certain of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. God's word is living and active. It penetrates to driving our Body, Mind and Soul.