Thursday, 17 May 2012

Dreams Are They Good Or Bad?

Dreams that you have at night are bad if they are "Nightmares", but the dreams you have that make you feel great and inspired – those are "Goodmares". So have you been have "Nightmares" or "Goodmares"? If you are feeling oppressed or depressed you are probably have the first one, but if you have good things going on you are probably have the second.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Gerbang Neraka : Membara untuk selamanya

Turkmenistan biasa dikenal dengan atraksi offbeat nya , tapi yang satu ini paling tidak biasa adalah sebuah lubang di tanah yang dikenal sebagai "The Gates of Hell". Sebuah lubang dengan kedalaman 230 kaki, diisi dengan kobaran api yang telah menerangi daerah tersebut selama 40 tahun.

Menumbuhkan Alga di dalam rumah kaca

Ada sesuatu dalam rumah kaca, laboratorium dan pameran seni, berbentuk kantong plastik berkilauan dan tabung yang menggantung dari langit-langit di Asosiasi Arsitektur di London mengundang rasa tenang kagum bahkan sebelum Anda mengetahui apa benda itu. Kantong-kantong penuh dengan ganggang, dan pengunjung diundang untuk meniup ke dalam tabung untuk membantunya tumbuh.

Kumpulan Status ku PART III

Ikhsan alhamdulillah.. hihihi... (Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:15:41 GMT)
Ikhsan biarkan bulan di atas sana.. manalah mungkin turun kesini... (Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:02:43 GMT)
Ikhsan mentingin amat promosi.. untuk awal mah yg penting konten... (Mon, 05 Mar 2012 10:39:06 GMT)
Ikhsan harapan skarang cuma 1... smoga maag ini nga naik lv jd kronis.. :( (Tue, 06 Mar 2012 00:22:39 GMT)
Ikhsan namanya doang ISD.. tugasnya.. kga nahan :muntah (Tue, 06 Mar 2012 14:10:08 GMT)
Ikhsan oleh tau nama panjang kamu? | Buat apa? | Buat aku selipkan di setiap sela-sela doaku, doa minta jodoh (≧◡≦) #gombalan pagi (Wed, 07 Mar 2012 02:17:53 GMT)

Monday, 14 May 2012

Work Life Balance And The Power of Positive Thinking

It's important to get a handle on mood swings or energy shifts if you want to maintain your work life balance and be successful in business. According to psychologist and researcher Martin Seligman, some folks appear to be hardwired to respond optimistically and hopefully to work life balance upset and life's ups and downs. Others are wired for opposite responses. Fortunately, you do not have to settle for the wiring you were born with. With practice you can improve your resilience and your hopefulness by acquiring solid positive thinking skills.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Looking for Happiness? Stop Looking in Your Neighbor's Yard

We've all heard the cliché 'The grass is always greener in our neighbor's yard'. What they don't tell you is that his grass still has to be mowed, watered, weeded, raked and fertilized.

Vampires: the Romantic Ideology behind Them

The French Revolution constituted for the conscience of the dominant aristocratic class a fall from innocence, and upturning of the natural chain of events that resounded all over Europe; the old regime became, in their imaginary, a paradise lost. This explains why some romantic poets born in the higher classes were keen on seeing themselves as faded aristocrats, expelled from their comfortable milieu by a reverse of fortune or a design of destiny. Byron and Shelley are the prime instances of this vital pose. In The Giaour he writes on a vampiric character: "The common crowd but see the gloom/ Of wayward deeds and fitting doom;/ The close observer can espy/A noble soul, and lineage high."

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Highly Sensitive People - Traits and Characteristics

One in every twenty people is considered to be a highly sensitive person (HSP). This means that either you yourself may be sensitive or someone you know is. 42% of the population is not highly sensitive, meaning that most things don't bother them the way they will an HSP. Everyone else falls somewhere in between, with the odd few being completely unemotional about anything. (By the way - 20% of the entire animal kingdom is highly-sensitive as well).