Monday, 19 December 2011

Pertentangan - Pertentangan Sosial dan Integrasi Masyarakat


Perbedaan kepentingan itu antara lain berupa:
  1. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh kasih sayang.
  2. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh harga diri.
  3. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh penghargaan yang sama.
  4. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh prestasi dan posisi.
  5. Kepentingan individu untuk dibutuhkan orang lain.
  6. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh kedudukan di dalam        kelompoknya.
  7. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh rasa aman dan perlindungan diri.
  8. Kepentingan individu untuk memperoleh kemerdekaan diri.

Masyarakat pedesaan dan masyarakat perkotaan

Beberapa definisi mengenai masyarakat dari para tokoh :

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Stratifikasi/ Pelapisan Sosial dan Kesamaan Derajat Dalam Masyarakat

Dalam lingkungan masyarakat kita melihat bahwa ada pembeda-bedaan yang berlaku dan diterima secara luas oleh masyarakat. Di sekitar kita ada orang yang menempati jabatan tinggi seperti gubernur dan wali kota dan jabatan rendah seperti camat dan lurah. Di sekolah ada kepala sekolah dan ada staf sekolah. Di rt atau rw kita ada orang kaya, orang biasa saja dan ada orang miskin.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Persuasion Techniques

Some of the best persuasion techniques have been developed from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) methods. For example, if you hear a person saying, "I see," a few times, they are probably processing information visually, according to NLP. To influence them then, you would use phrases like, "You can see how..." or you would actually show them things. A more auditory person would be influenced by, "I hear what you're saying," and "Listen."

Notice if they use visual, aural, or kinesthetic words. If you want to convince your spouse to go to the Bahamas, it makes a difference which words you use. "We'll be feeling that sun on our backs," is not the same as "We'll see sunny beaches," or We'll listen to the waves at night." You may use all of these, but one of the three types of words will be more influential for most people.

Ten Relaxation Techniques

A few good relaxation techniques can save your life, because stress is more than just unpleasant. It's also dangerous to your health. Disciplined practices such as meditation can help relieve that stress, but what if you don't have the time or motivation? Maybe you need to try a few of these simple ways to relax.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Stress Meditation

Too much stress? You need a simple stress meditation. Of course, learning to meditate might intimidate you, and it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. A solution to both problems is a meditation you can learn right now, that will take a minute to do each day.

An Easy Stress Meditation

When you breath through your mouth, it expands your chest. Breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen extends. Nose-breathing causes the diaphram to pull air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream and brain, and it also tends to relax you. Breathing through your nose is healthier, and it's the basis of this one-minute meditation.

Here's how you do it. Close your eyes, sigh, and let the tension go out of your muscles. It may help to tense up your muscles first, then release that tension. Then let go of your thoughts, as much as possible, and take four or five slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

Can Meditation Be This Easy?

The short answer is yes. No, you're not likely to get you into a deep meditative state with this simple stess meditation. However, you will get benefits, including a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

It helps to develop a "trigger" for your meditation. For example, do your four breaths when you get into the car, or right after lunch each day. These triggers are places or times that remind you, so your meditation becomes a habit.

You can say this isn't "real" meditation, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the relaxation you'll get from this technique. If you want, you can always pursue deeper meditation later. Meanwhile, remember that not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not try this easy one-minute stress meditation?

Setting Up and Securing Your Wireless Network

There are more and more individuals opting to work from home than ever before. The advantages to this are many including avoiding the morning and evening rush hours, being able to spend time with your kids and significant other, and doing everything on your own time. Though the pitfalls are many, the one that I will be focusing on in this article is that of setting up a secure wireless network for your home based business. Right now somewhere out there, there is someone with a receiver waiting to pick up on an unsuspecting person's wireless local area network. Their hope is to garner some sensitive information that may lead to identity theft, and stolen proprietary business information.

Cappuccino Machines With An Italian Touch

Cappuccino began in Italy where it is still a delight of the morning routine. The Italians can tell a tourist from a native though because only a tourist will order a cappuccino after noon. It is considered a morning beverage in Italy, but in other regions of the world it is served throughout the day.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Top 7 Powerful Linking Techniques That Rocket Your Website To The Top

Webmasters put in a tremendous amount of effort to increase the Link Popularity and Page Rank of their Websites. To succeed in your efforts you have to find ways and means of getting the links the Search Engines love and not links which can even be detrimental to your very efforts to increase link popularity. In fact obtaining links from certain sites can even get your website penalized.

The ride of your life: who's driving?

One of the biggest challenges that most people face in the exiting times we live in, is the feeling that their lives are just spiralling out of control. They feel like the events and circumstances of their lives have lead them along a torturous route and that they have no control over all the misfortunes and wrong doings that brought them to this moment in time.

Are You Jumping Into A Home Business Scam?

Across the internet there are hundreds of thousands of websites and businesses on all sorts of topics. Whether you're starting your own business or joining another business, there is always the potential of running into a home business scam. As long as you take the time to research and find all of the facts, you should have no problem avoiding an internet scam.

Making The Most Of Now

"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this." --Henry David Thoreau (1817-62) American writer, author, naturalist

Action Games- The Thrill Is Addictive

When you watch live action on movie screens, you get excited. Combined with sound effects the action can be a real thrill. Some actions that we watch takes the breath away. How about Action games on computers?

Friday, 2 December 2011

15 Foto Pemandangan yang menyeramkan

Bumi adalah tempat yang indah, penuh dengan pemandangan yang meng-inspirasi dan terlalu banyak untuk di hitung . Tapi ada juga ada sisi gelap di bumi. Bahwa sungai yang sama yang berkilau di bawah sinar matahari ternyata mengerikan di malam hari. Badai ganas yang mendekat mengisi perasaan  kita dengan rasa takut. Suara dari kegelapan hutan memperingatkan kita dari bahaya yang mengintai di dalam. Ini 15 foto pemandangan yang sangat menyeramkan skaligus inspirasi yang menyenangkan..

1200 Sepeda di Taipei Art Museum

Sebuah struktur kristal terbuat dari 1200 sepeda ditangguhkan membentang dari lantai ke langit-langit di Taipei Fine Arts Museum, dengan kursi dan pedal pada sepeda di copot, frame sepeda dilas bersama-sama ke dalam satu struktur besar. ini adalah karya dari seniman Ai Weiwei sebagai bagian dari sebuah pameran berjudul  “Ai Weiwei, Absent.”